AFAS @ the European Conference on African Studies “African Futures” in Cologne

From the 31st of May to the 3rd of June 2023, the ninth edition of the European Conference on African Studies (ECAS9) took place at the University of Cologne. The conference was hosted by the Global South Studies Center under the theme “African Futures”. 

Prof. N'golo Koné and Dr. Gerda Kuiper present AFAS at the panel

AFAS organized a panel on the theme “Adapting to and combating climate change in Africa’s drylands” with AFAS staff members Dr. Gerda Kuiper and Prof. N’golo Koné as the convenors and Dr. Isimemen Osemwegie (ZEF, University of Bonn) as discussant. The panel interrogated the uncertain future of Africa’s drylands or savannas due to the combined threats of climate change and biodiversity loss. It assessed current problems, probable ecological outcomes and possibilities for African communities to adapt. The panel furthermore investigated the potential of the trend to look for localized measures and solutions for global and local environmental problems, e.g. nature-based solutions, that explicitly consider local and indigenous knowledge. Eight international speakers with various disciplinary and regional backgrounds presented their research on this theme, which led to fruitful discussions with the panel participants.  

Jesse Owino from the University of Nairobi presents his research on "Achieving Food Security under Climate Change"