On May 13 2022, AFAS co-organized a side-event on the 15th UNCCD Conference of Parties in Abidjan. Together with the CABES and LANUSYNCON programmes, we set up a well-attended roundtable in the African pavillion on the topic: “Managing Science-Policy-Practice Interfaces in the context of Land, Life, and Climate Change Legacy: Examples from Africa”.
The successful side-event was followed by a stakeholder consultation workshop on May 16 and 17. We invited representatives from ministries, embassies, NGOs and the business sector to the beautiful campus where our partner institution CEA-CCBAD (African Center of Excellence for Climate Change, Biodiversity & Sustainable Agriculture) is based. Through several interactive sessions, we introduced our work to these stakeholders and received valuable feedback and input for the development of our curriculum and research agenda.

Photos: Pacal/ZEF